Modified transcript:
Hey everyone, thanks for joining me. I'm Evan, and today I am going to show you how you can save a lot of time in Amazon advertising by taking advantage of bulk operations. When you are running a large campaign on multiple ad accounts at the same time, you can find yourself spending a lot more time than you should clicking between different screens and making repetitive adjustments over and over. Bulk operations are the perfect solution if you find yourself in that scenario.
With bulk operations, you can quickly adjust bids, add or remove keywords, create new campaigns, almost everything that you need to optimize your campaigns. It also backs up your entire ad account and lets you work offline. So let's get started.
How to Enable Bulk Operations
The first step is to enable bulk operations. Log into your Seller Central or AMS account if you sell through Vendor Central. Go to the advertising menu and click on campaign manager. Then, choose bulk operations from the menu. If you have a brand-new account without any existing data, you can download the bulk operations template.
This template will provide you with instructions and multiple tabs, including templates for ad types and portfolios, as well as samples and attribute definitions. Keep in mind that each marketplace has a different template. If you are already running campaigns, then you can download the bulk operations spreadsheet with your campaigns, ad groups and keyword data already populated.
When downloading the bulk operation spreadsheet, you have a few different options. You can select the date range. This will change the data in your read-only columns; they are populated with performance data like impressions, clicks, spends, orders, sales, and even a cost percentage. You can use these as a reference to make adjustments, but make sure you are going back long enough for the data to be actionable.
Typically, we go with the 60-day date range. You wouldn't want to make adjustments on bids with only a few days worth of data. We recommend also excluding certain aspects from your spreadsheet, so for example, you can exclude terminated campaigns, campaigns with zero impressions, placement data for campaigns, and brand assets data. We recommend excluding terminated campaigns and brand asset data but keeping campaigns with zero impressions.
One thing to consider is that if a campaign is running but not receiving impressions, then some optimization is required. Also keep in mind that if you have recently made changes to your Amazon advertising account, it can take a few minutes for it to be reflected on your bulk operations spreadsheet.
Once you make those changes, make sure that they are present on that spreadsheet when you download it. Otherwise, when you upload the spreadsheet back to Amazon advertising campaigns, it is going to override that data. Once you have your selections made, click the "Create spreadsheet for download" button. This could take a few minutes, but once it is ready, it is going to be at the top of your downloads table with a download link.
Working With the Bulk Operations Spreadsheet
Now that you have your bulk operations spreadsheet, there are a few important things to remember. You can make a lot of changes to your spreadsheet, but you do not want to change anything on the first row. This is your header row, and you should not make any changes to your record ID column. Changing this record ID column will produce an error, and removing it will tell Amazon to create a new record and duplicate it.
Now let's dive into some of the fun things that you can do with your actual spreadsheet. You can go through your spreadsheet and make manual bid adjustments to all of your keywords much faster than using Amazon's advertising interface. Even faster is if you are using a formula to calculate the bid adjustments, you can run it automatically on your Excel spreadsheet, just create an extra column, go through, put in the formula, and then rename that column to "Max Bid" before you upload it.
Once you do that, it will tell Amazon that is your new bid and will make all these adjustments in all of your campaigns. You can also combine all of this data with your Amazon search term report to find both negative and profitable keywords to add; look through your report to find terms with a high spend, or clicks with no conversions, or high impressions without clicks and add them to your bulk operations spreadsheet as negative terms.
You can also add profitable keywords by looking at that same search term report for high converting search terms and add them as exact terms. The key is to really think about what you would normally do inside of your Amazon advertising campaign, and replicate it or improve the process with the spreadsheet and spreadsheet functionality. In my experience, taking advantage of functions and speed of adjustments can save you days worth of time when you are managing Amazon advertising campaigns.
Uploading a Spreadsheet
Once you have finished making all the changes to your spreadsheet, simply go back to your Amazon advertising account, click bulk operations, go to the third step and upload that file. That is going to put forth all of the changes that you made on your spreadsheet, implement them into all their individual Amazon ad groups and campaigns, and you can start to see those changes very quickly after that.
That is it. If you have any questions or if you want to add any fun things that you are doing with bulk operations for Amazon advertising, leave a comment below, and we can chat.
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